VRcher Changelog

by Chadderbox

Check out the game here: https://chadderbox.itch.io/vrcher


  • New modes

  • Bug fixes

  • Easier method to switch hands that the bow is in


I accidentally corrupted the entire project when I tried upgrading versions of Unity, but fortunately that is now fixed (thanks GitLab!). The project was backed up, but for some reason whenever I tried to revert it would corrupt all the textures and scripts.

A lot of the inner workings of the game have been slightly changed. The rendering stuff has changed, so we should get better performance, a lot of the scripts have had SLIGHT tweaks, so everything is looking good.

Unfortunately, I am back in school at the moment, and I have some important exams this year, so I don't know how much more I am going to get done.

I also don't want to make empty promises, but I am currently working on a multiplayer mode (it might end up spinning off, because I love the bow combat, but I want to work on art and stuff, so I might make it a new game under a different name).

Under the hood, a lot of work has gone on, mainly me trying to recover the project, but I hope that you like the update.


  • Black screen bug on some devices.

  • Basic changes to some things.



  • Fixed a NullReferenceExecption that would sometimes occur when sending leaderboard data (This was done by moving a call for a function in a static class from Awake() to Start(), in case you have this problem)



  • Occlusion culling bug causing flickering of the environment.

  • Some players not being able to teleport (because of some controller incompatibility).


  • Colour of interactive objects has been changed to a shade of blue.

  • Rendering is now deferred, as opposed to using Unity's forward renderer. This has improved performance significantly.

  • Further optimisations to the main Update loop.


My method of solving the "Occlusion culling flickering" bug was to turn off occlusion culling. This could affect your performance. If you have a beefy pc, you will not notice the frame dip, however users on the lower end may experience lower frame rates (but not frame dips). If you do experience a lower frame rate, please contact chadderbox4unban@gmail.com, and send your computer's specifications, your old frame rate, and your current frame rate. If the game becomes unplayable, I would advise reverting to an older version of the game. I do not think this will actually affect the performance, however I am writing this warning in case of an unexpected problem revolving around this. My PC specs are rather low end when it comes to VR, and I have not had any problems. If there was a frame drop after the fix, I have almost regained that loss by switching rendering modes. Have fun.



  • Implemented a potential fix for FOV flickering.



  • The initial game is released.

Last updated